In the mind of a mad man...

Monday, January 29, 2007

Students Protest

During the protest in Washington many student groups gathered to voice their opposition to the war. One group's chant said, "Make hip hop not war . . ." While most just listen to the featured speakers, one students speakers, surounded by what looked to be his peers, stated his dislike for recruiters on his campus. While those in his circle cheered, his point strays far from the proclaimed purpose of the rally--peace.

Recruiters play an important roll in our country's system. They provide those interested the opportunity to serve in America's professional military. In many countries military service is required and instead of going to school, this student speaker, along with every other male high school graduate, would be in the military. The United States' professional military allows these students the freedom to choose to join or not. Maybe he would prefer required military service. Then he would be fighting in the war and not protesting it; then there would be no need for recruiters on his campus.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Protesting Through Wax

During this weeks protests many shouted until their voices were raw to make their points heard. But one of the most powerful messages was conveyed through silence. In a wax museum type of performance, these triplets drew a small crowd away from the ranting stage to ponder a symbolic message. While the ladies remained silent a pile of business cards stated that every square inch of red represents 12 causalties. The first repersents 9/11, the second and third are obvious.